Paranormal Activity

Bigfoot & Cryptozoology

For centuries, people have reported sightings and encounters with mysterious creatures that defy explanation, from the legendary Sasquatch to the elusive Yeti and other cryptids that roam the earth. While skeptics may dismiss these reports as hoaxes or misidentifications, the truth is that there are countless stories and legends that have persisted for generations, sparking the imagination and curiosity of people all over the world. Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, join us on a journey to explore the strange and unexplained encounters that have taken place in forests, mountains, and other remote areas. But be warned, once you enter the world of cryptozoology, you may never look at nature the same way again. Click on the link below to uncover the fascinating tales that await.

UFO's, Aliens, & Goblins

While some may dismiss these stories as mere myths, there are countless reports of mysterious sightings and encounters that have puzzled and intrigued people for decades. From flying saucers to alien abductions, the phenomenon of UFOs and extraterrestrial life remains one of the most fascinating and mysterious subjects of our time. Join us on a journey to explore the strange and unexplained encounters that have taken place in Kentucky and nearby. But be warned, once you start delving into the world of UFOs and aliens, you may question everything you thought you knew about our place in the universe.

Important Links

If you’re interested in exploring the paranormal, cryptozoology, and UFO sightings in Kentucky, we’ve got you covered with some important links. Our collection of links provides valuable resources for enthusiasts and researchers alike, with information on sightings, investigations, and events in Kentucky. 


K2 Meters on Amazon


Miscellaneous Equipment

International Museum of the Paranormal

EVP Recorders

Our Blog

Have you ever wondered what secrets lie hidden in the depths of Kentucky’s forests and countryside? Our blog is dedicated to exploring the paranormal, alien encounters, and cryptozoology in this enigmatic state. With a wealth of articles and resources, we delve into the unexplained phenomena that have puzzled and intrigued people for decades. From accounts of Bigfoot sightings to UFO encounters, our blog offers a fascinating journey into the unknown. So, if you’re ready to uncover the mysteries of Kentucky, join us on this intriguing journey by clicking the link to our blog now.

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